An administrative sanction, such as detention, fine, rescission of a license or permit, order to suspend production or business or confiscation of property, which one refuses to accept; (一)对拘留、罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物等行政处罚不服的;
A ruling is expected some time before June 23, when his detention order expires. 预计裁决将在6月23日陈水扁的羁留令到期之前做出。
Provided that unless a majority of the members of the court concur in an order for the detention of the ship the court shall order that the ship be released. 但除非验船法庭过半数成员均赞同作出扣留船舶命令,否则该法庭须命令将船舶放行。
Organize other people under detention to sabotage supervision order. 组织其他被监管人破坏监管秩序的。
To analyze HIV infection situation of prisoners and the Re-education through labor administration of gail and detention centre in Taian, in order to provide basis for AIDS prevention and control. 了解监狱看守所羁押劳教人员艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况,为制定防治对策提供依据。
Meanwhile, Zhang suspected drug users to administrative detention on the10th penalty, order the Hall ordered to stop. 同时,对涉嫌吸毒人员张某给予行政拘留十日处罚,责令该会馆停业整顿。
Detention, fine, rescission of a license or permit, order to suspend production or business or confiscation of property 拘留、罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物
The paper analyzes and summed up the influencing factors for the risk of pre-trial detention, based on the statistics of procuratorial organs, and the academic research about the escape, suicide, and preservation of evidence, recidivism, hindering the safety and order, retaliation. 文章结合学界关于逃跑、自杀、证据保全、再犯、安全和秩序、打击报复等问题的研究成果和检察机关的统计资料,分析、总结了影响各种风险发生可能性的因素。
The administrative detention, as an important component of mandatory administrative measures, is a specific compulsion which subject of law enforcement take according to law in order to reach a certain administrative purposes and protect administration carried out smoothly. 行政扣押是行政强制措施的重要组成部分,是执法主体为达到一定的行政目的,保障行政管理顺利进行,依法采取的一种具体强制手段。
Pending detention is refers to the court before the guilty verdict in law should be presumed innocent of the crime suspect, defendant in custody, in order to ensure the smooth conduct of criminal activity the important means. 未决羁押是指在法院有罪判决生效前对法律上应视为无罪的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人予以羁押,是为了保证刑事诉讼活动顺利进行的重要手段。
Under the mode of official principle of "entity outweighs procedures" in China, some judicial officers illegally torture suspects and defendants or extend their detention, in order to achieve the final aim to fight the crime. 我国现在重实体,轻程序的职权主义模式下,为追求最终达到打击犯罪的目的,部分司法人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人采取刑讯逼供、超期羁押等不法行为。